Neptune Aquatics

STN on some corals and can't figure out why...

Ok, it's been a week and a half since I lowered my Mg and raised my Alk. Alk has been running in the 9-10 range, Mg down to 1350-1400.

Everything that was suffering is looking much better. Sunset monti is coming back, True Undata stopped STNing, Red Planet is beginning to color back up, and the small milli frags which were on their way out are now holding their own. I think they'll make it. :)

However, today I noticed that my ORA Roscoe's seems a little off color and a green deepwater maricultured coral I got from Aquatic Gallery is looking a little pale on the sides... not sure if/how this is related to water chemistry changes. (might just be a bad day for them) I'm going to hold these parameters for the next couple of weeks and see if improvement continues.

I think both the Mg and Alk caused my corals stress, but I suspect that perhaps low alk was the bigger culprit.

Thanks again guys for the help.
Jason - Happy to hear your corals are coming back. I've been having trouble keeping my Alk levels above 7-8 and wanted to know what you used to bring your levels to 9/10. Also, did you add straight in to your tank or use a drip or dosing application? Thanks, Doug