High Tide Aquatics

Strategies in Light 2012 Expo, Santa Clara, Feb 7th to 9th


Past President

I came down with the flu last year and didn't get a chance to walk around much at the Strategies in Light expo, but I did see a good number of LED manufacturers and integrators with booths. In terms of systems, there were only a couple vendors displaying LED tubes, the show was dominated by LED arrays. The LED tubes are interesting because they use fiber optic light pipes to increase light distribution and result in even greater energy efficiency over fluorescents. While LED tubes are targeting office/home lighting, there is quite a bit of potential for aquatic applications with new developments in wireless controls, output, and wavelength.

Will be going again this year for work and thought it might be a good opportunity to see what's new out there that could work for photosynthetic organisms. Anyone also planning on attending Strategies in Light next week?