So, after some debate, we're close to settling on our stock list for a 200g:
All fish will be purchased pre-QT'd, so no worries there. However, I'm trying to figure out what the best strategy for adding them would be. I plan on trying to get all the fish relatively small, and am leaning towards adding the fish in two rounds: round one would be everything but the tangs, round two would be the tangs (all roughly equal in size), and adding all the fish in each 'round' at once.
I don't think, given the size of the tank, that this would overwhelm the biofilter, but just asking for general input/if people would recommend a better way. Thanks!
- Desjardini tang
- Achilles tang
- Yellow tang
- Yellow eye kole tang
- One-spot foxface
- Copper banded butterflyfish
- Firefish
- Midas blenny
- Royal gramma
- Either Lyretail or Bartlett's anthias (x3)
- Mandarin pair
- Watchman goby/shrimp pair
- Melanurus wrasse
- Lawnmower blenny
All fish will be purchased pre-QT'd, so no worries there. However, I'm trying to figure out what the best strategy for adding them would be. I plan on trying to get all the fish relatively small, and am leaning towards adding the fish in two rounds: round one would be everything but the tangs, round two would be the tangs (all roughly equal in size), and adding all the fish in each 'round' at once.
I don't think, given the size of the tank, that this would overwhelm the biofilter, but just asking for general input/if people would recommend a better way. Thanks!