
Sudden Torch Death


Supporting Member
In the past week, two of my torches died out. The first one is a relatively new torch I got about a month ago. So i chalked itnup to the neweness.

The last one was an Aussie gold I've had since August. I noticed some brown die off on part of one of the heads but didnt look like brown jelly disease so i blew it off and pointed a power head at it to ensure good circ as well. Went away to Tahoe for a few days and came home to just find nothing but bones. Ugh.

All my other torches and euphyllias are doing well and growing. I do have a large green torch next to where the gold was but dont think there was any battling going on...

Any ideas?

My params seem fine... but still have to check phosphates later...

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Sorry to hear this. Do you have any pictures when the die off started to happen? I have torches too so following for more info.
Unfortunately i don't... by time i discovered the forst one, it was already just a skeleton. Could have been from getting turned over kn the same (haven't a clue who's been doing that in my tank... )

And didn't think to snap a shot of my gold before blasting it off. When i did, it looks like therr were still tentacles ready to pop back out so didn't think much of it... the same head had it before when i first got it and dipped...didn't like the dip, i suppose
but recovered so figured no big deal this time since i did the same protocol minis the dip and plus more direct hit with the powerhead... i position the powerhead a few inches from the aussie, which has been the case for months until the magnet on the dry side fell off and i was too lazy to readjust until recently.

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The fact that it was brown die-off that was easy to blow off sure sounds like brown jelly. This is bolstered by the fact that it went from one torch colony to another. I would treat it the same way I'd treat Brown Jelly.
Iodine dips have helped me prevent brown jelly disease wiping out an entire colony in the past

Jut make sure you get the right Iodine and are careful. Iodine is tough on corals, but it's what I used last time as well. I have also been successful dipping every other or every third day using Revive or CoralRX (I alternated). Three long dippings with those.
if you ever see jelly, break off whatever branches possible, or saw right through a wall hammer, etc. i like iodine and flow subsequently, but bjd is a beeeeeotch.
dang haven't even heard of the dragon soul, i want one

The one on the left.

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Omg... I’m glad torch doesn’t do well in my tank and it stopped me from buying more torches.

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