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Sunscreen lotion could bleach your coral

Joseph Lee

Supporting Member
I came across this website. Have you ever had any issues with unknown coral bleaching?

I think it was Coralus who used an spf lotion and noticed poor effects. I rarely use screen on my arms so I don't worry too much about that in my tank. When I travel to reef locations, I do make sure I am using a mineral based sunscreen.
Much of this concern is over hyped and under supported. It's kind of a feel good solution that lets people ignore bigger problems while feeling they are helping.

That said, I think it shoujld be everyones SOP to rinse their hands and arms before going in the tank. :D
My bit of weirdness was I watched basically all of my sps colonies die shortly after moving over to a new tank, could not figure out why. ICP testing showed high zinc, which happens to be in the sunscreen I use regularly, and could have easily been coming from my hands.

I wish I had something more definitive, like a current low zinc number and now thriving sps, but I haven’t done an ICP test in a while and I still can’t keep sps alive.
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