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Switching Salts

Red sea coral pro salt has some funky directions. Mix with cold water for a certain time then heat the water. The bucket also says something about using the mix within a couple hours.
Red sea coral pro salt has some funky directions. Mix with cold water for a certain time then heat the water. The bucket also says something about using the mix within a couple hours.

Really....that is what I used to use and I don't remember those instructions....I called them because it did state not to mix constantly and tech support disregard that....so who knows???
Below are the Directions and yes that is what it says...weird.....lol

Now I am using Red Sea Salt...it matches my levels of a ULNS, and it doesn't have the same directions as the Red Sea Coral Pro.

Oh yeah the whole mix for this period of time and do not mix for more than 4 hours.

What happens if you mix for more than 4 hours? Lol

Also I really want the coral on the rscp bucket. What is that a pink birdsnest?
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Hmm... I've always got my water to 78deg and then mixed my salts. Not sure if its good or bad, but never had any issues with RSCP. What I've learned with RSCP is to stir well for a min right after adding the mix, if you just dump salt and wait for it to dissolve, you'll have a cloudy mix...
I do run a 650gph pump pointed at the base.

But dumping 3-4lbs of salt in one shot, the pump can't stir all of it...
Get the water swirling around. Tornado style! :)

Pour salt in slowly. 3-4 lbs should take less than a minute.

Saltwater should always be stirred not shaken. :D
I guess the key thing is : WHY are you looking for a new salt mix???
- Quality? : Ehhh. Most seem pretty good.
- Cost? : A decent reason to switch. But salt expense is hardly the #1 cost of aquariums.
- Ease of mixing? : Some clear losers there. A good reason to switch.
- Hard to find? : You have no choice but to switch.
- Wrong target Ca/Alk/Etc levels for your tank? : A good reason to switch.
(But an alternative is to add Ca/Alk/etc to water as you mix it.)

Unfortunately, most of the time, the real reason is
"My tank is not doing well .... perhaps changing salt mix will help"
Sorry, but usually ... it won't.
Hmm... I've always got my water to 78deg and then mixed my salts. Not sure if its good or bad, but never had any issues with RSCP. What I've learned with RSCP is to stir well for a min right after adding the mix, if you just dump salt and wait for it to dissolve, you'll have a cloudy mix...

Same can happen when you dump too much in too quickly and it sits in pools on the bottom. You can precipitate stuff out making your ASW out of wack. Read up on how salt ponds work, same thing applies to our tanks.