Cali Kid Corals

Tangs - never had one. Other than tank size, how hard are they to keep?

Thanks everyone!

I think I might still stay away from tangs. My tank might still be a bit small, and without them, I could just leave my tank for a month without any issues. I know, the hobby should be something you do and interact with a lot, which I do, but I have found flexibility that works well for me.

I think I would only get 1 anyway (a biota purple tang if they ever breed them or have them available
All this time in the hobby and never any tangs Art? Wow.

That said, I have never fed tangs nori, I've tried but they quite literally have never eaten it, so I would do a mix of "green and red" flake food. Autofeeder should be fine for that.

I know crazy right? I've actually never had big tanks, the biggest was my ELOS 120 back in the day, and I was a lot more focused on anthias/genicanthus back then (hence my ventralis anthias profile photo).