
Tank crashing slowly .. help

Sounds like to me the ALK swing is really what did it. Try to stabilize that first and stop making too many changes.
Coral eating nudibranch? Sucks, maybe this is what killing my corals?

See the picture. the "white" thing at the base of the Monti.

I found 2 of this thing and prompt removed.


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It looks like this (pic from the google search). I see from Coral RX website that dip works. Good news is 99% of my coral is not attached to the rock (still on frag).

I'll do dipping for all the corals just as precaution.


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With plating montis - I always always A L W A Y S scrub the underside of new frags with a toothbrush. You want to get the eggs - which won't die from dips.

I had these things decimate my tank once upon a time. And even somewhat recently, I picked up a frag from someone with a successful propagation system set up -- and when I got home found a big fat monti eating nudi on the underside of the cap I bought.

The good news is, wrasses (6 line, coris, etc) like to eat them =)

I did a rather heavy dose of flatworm eXit on my tank to get rid of them. Had both those and zoa eating on corals all over the rock work, so no option to remove the stuff.
Its like one problem after another. yikes. I dip all my remaining Monti and sure enough I see 5-6 adults detached. I'll dip weekly? Its easy enough since its its on a plug. I'm pretty sure thats what killing all my monti (digitata, and plating monti)

Thanks for the tips on scrubing the underside. Will do that.
Welcome to the learning curve :)

I don't actually think they eat digis?

They for sure wiped out my plating montis, and spongodes.

You will see the tissue die off like something is quite literally starting on one side and eating its way across.

Keep an eye on the tank after lights out.

What is worse, they don't even look cool. The zoa eating ones take on the colors of the zoas they eat -- so they get all flourescent and cool looking while decimating all the zoas in your tank.
Welcome to the learning curve :)

I don't actually think they eat digis?

They for sure wiped out my plating montis, and spongodes.

You will see the tissue die off like something is quite literally starting on one side and eating its way across.

Keep an eye on the tank after lights out.

What is worse, they don't even look cool. The zoa eating ones take on the colors of the zoas they eat -- so they get all flourescent and cool looking while decimating all the zoas in your tank.

I've had, and seen, digis eaten by nudis
All my digis are gone. Yes, i can see the it turn white from one side and eventually more on to every parts.

Watch the Reef Beed video. I'm screwed. :)

I have a nice thriving monti sentosa that is still healthy maybe not for long.

The weird part is my green birdnest exhibit the same symptoms ( started turning while on section and spreading). It cannot be the same monti eating nudibranch? Do they go after non monti coral as well?
With nudis, you should see patches missing. Its likely you have two things causing the problem, the combination making it worse. Unlikely the birdnest issue is from the nudis.
Remove more nudis. Probably the entire tank is infested. Not sure i can really recover from this.

On top of that, found 2 aptasia. Luckily they are on a small frag. Prompt removed. I'm sure they are plenty more hiding. GHA also taking hold.

Maybe i'll go FOWLR if the tank crash. :)
Remove more nudis. Probably the entire tank is infested. Not sure i can really recover from this.

On top of that, found 2 aptasia. Luckily they are on a small frag. Prompt removed. I'm sure they are plenty more hiding. GHA also taking hold.

Maybe i'll go FOWLR if the tank crash. :)
You got this, stick with some easier corals for a bit and get your dosing schedule figured out. The monti eating nudis will go away if there is no food source eventually, and you can get wrasses to help keep them in check.

Aptasia is no big deal either, I have had great luck with peppermint shrimp and am going to try berghias in my sump next.
You can consider a full "tank reboot" if it is really bad.
I have done it with a large tank after a monster majano infestation.
I am not sure you are at that state though.

Borrow/buy a large secondary tank or watering trough.
Transfer most of the water from old tank, through a filter.
Transfer fish.
Then frag all your current corals, keep only the best live parts, carefully dip the frags, and transfer those.
Power wash, bleach, and acid soak the old tank and rocks.
As a bonus it is an ideal time to improve rock-scape, plumbing, flow, lights, and so on.
I don't think you will meet many people who have been in the hobby long term and not gone through similar issues.

Everything you have had happen in this thread, I have had happen too.

If that makes you feel better. :)

Really just takes long term patience.

I've been at this for about 10 years and still keep getting thrown curve balls.

Heck I just started a dbtc thread for my sunny d zoa's and stated how fool proof and Hardy the mother colony is.

48 hours later after fragging the coral, something is pissing off the mother colony. A few polyps are dying. Have done an anti bacterial dip.

It's not a hobby for the faint if heart lol.
Tank parameters have been stable since i switch to 2 parts.

Alk : 8.6-8.8
Cal : 420 (up from 400; will keep it btw 420 and 440)
Mg : 1320 (up from 1300, target 1350)
Phosphate : 0.07 (running small amount of GFO; target 0.02-0.05)
Nitrate : 2

Nitrate is dropping (from 5-10 last week to 2) as expected, but i do have GHA problem. I'm going to let it be for now versus dosing. Last time i dose, i figure i'm feeding the GHA.

Continue to dip the monti for nudis. Its encouraging to see the rainbow monti recede line maintain where it is since i start dipping. Previously the everyday 2-3mm of the frag will turn white from the bottom up.
Another possible pest? Its very small, 1-2mm brown and moving fast like an ant. Crawling versus free swimming. Its hanging on the montis. I suck one up and take the pic. Its so small that the phone camera cannot focus well.

Any idea what i'm dealing with ?


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ICP Results are in. I don't think i need to dose Trace Elements for now.

RODI output have some silicate. Not entirely surprising.


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