Cali Kid Corals

Tank is not doing so well anymore :(

I left for southern california for ten days, I came back and most of my sps will need to be clipped a lot (stn/rtn) some corals were knocked over and some of the acans are looking a little less than healthy, and the water level was low. I was hoping my room mate would have done a better job, but I guess I was hoping for too much. Oh well time for a water change and pruning I hope I don't lose any more stuff. The only thing good from this minor tragedy is that the mini carpet anemone I had split and looks like it might split again.
I just did a big water change, and I guess it prompted bristle worm spawning, kind of interesting I noticed one stick it tail/mouth?? out and spew some orange stuff into the water column, then about three or four other worms did the same thing.

I agree with the salinity, I top-offed to where the water level should have been, then after 15 minutes or so did the water change.
Just think of it as a natural thinning like what happens on the reef at times :) I do this at times to ease the pain :)
I try to see the positive side of things, I lost a couple dbtc corals and the coral I won from last meetings raffle was one of the ones that fell over, it looks bad, but it's polyps are out now so I have hope. Losing the DBTC corals are the only thing that makes me really sad about this.
But that IMO is just part of the process and not to mention kinda what DBTC is about. You know for sure that coral can be obtained again and no one will look down on you for loosing it. I lost my first few DBTC's to poor placement... 100% my fault and totally avoidable.
GreshamH said:
But that IMO is just part of the process and not to mention kinda what DBTC is about.


While I would love to see every coral thrive, we all know that is not how it works. Even the most experienced with the most stable systems have losses. Sometimes they have big losses. Don't be sad for losing DBTC corals. Be happy that the chains are still alive and that the one you lost was not the last or only one. Then, when your tank is stable again frag like crazy! ;)