Cali Kid Corals

Tank Journal(s) - 40b17g. 10/2 Pics

sfboarders said:
You gonna try to save those eggs? My clowns laid eggs twice but they disappear. :( Did you get the mccorsker from AC Black Friday sale? :D

There have been calls to save the eggs but who knows what I would do with them. If I siphon them into a mesh breeding pen...and feed them with RN stuff, would they make it? Honestly haven't done much reading on this.

I wish I got the McCosker's at the AC BF sale... Came from Neptune a while back
Raising the fry seems to be challenging, I have a book you may borrow and decide if you want to raise clowns or have fresh live food for the tank inhabitants !
Annnnnnnd my pair of clowns laid eggs again? Seems a little too soon since the last of the eggs from the last go around just disappeared/got eaten/died 3-4 days ago IIRC. Not that I'm complaining! Pretty neat. I think it happened within the last hour... Eggs are orange/translucent-ish. Clutch is definitely bigger than the last. This time maybe 1.5" square covered in eggs. Female was acting funny again and I've realized what it was... She lays almost vertical on the side of the anemone. Never does that any other time.
3 par38's over a 17g... now I know I need at least 1 more over my 12g. Awsome tank, I wish I would have dont a bare bottom, maybe if I ever change tanks I will do this..
Well, here we are. One year since joining BAR. I'd say it was a good decision! This being my 3rd year of reef keeping, it's fun to think about how things have progressed over the years. The first two years were a bit of a grind. I learned the hobby from a few individuals and ended up going about things 'their way'. I learned a lot and skipped a lot of the learning curve (for better or worse). I intended on having a FO tank. A few frags later, (mushrooms, kenya tree and frogspawn) and we had a little reef going. Nothing wrong with that and I am of course grateful for them breaking me into the hobby but probably not until BAR did I realize how much more there was to learn. Over the past year, I'd say things have really taken off and it's been great. Meeting with many of you has been awesome as well and I definitely wouldn't be where I am without a lot of the help received through the club. So, thanks! :)

Lots of lessons learned. Some through other people and some learned the hard way. The most recent of course was the mishap with GFO. Was careless about switching it out and caused all my SPS to die off. Rough going, but we're still chugging along. Lost a few 4-5"colonies that I had grown out since frags. Lesson learned. *ouch*. Took the tank crash as an opportunity to switch out tanks. Get back to basics and keep it a simple tank for the long haul. I don't plan on ever breaking this tank down until forced to do so or another mishap. *knock on wood*. The idea is to maintain this tank and save it for the big one :)

First impressions from when I joined...Those that I can remember...

JAR's in wall.
Brian/Bryan's SPS crazy tanks.
Buying nuclear greens and PD's for some price PP. |(
Screebo schooling me on the difference between an AOG and a Pink Poodle paly.
Learning the LFS/PP/LE/AE/WC/FTS/BB/SG etc. talk
I only had one tank. :)

So with that, I'll leave you with some pics from the most recent tank switch. It's been a great year and it's good to see many of the same people still active in the club. Great group of people all around! :beer: To many more!

Phong's 40B. Sorry, I might remove that but I'll plug it now :D

FTS. Green monti is a place holder for some showpiece SPS.


Micro that moved from frag tank into the main :)

I believe it's an acan of some variety. If someone could give a better ID, that'd be great. Forgot the sub category but I love the colors.

Sex You Up Mycedium

AC War from Ian

screebo said:
I wanna frag of your micromussa and the prism favia. 0:)

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I don't plan on fragging the prism favia just yet but I may have a stray frag of the micromussa. :)

Maybe some of you longer tenured members of BAR can update your threads :)
:bigsmile: Joy :bigsmile:

I've only got two micros. One orange and teal from Neptune and One Aussi red/blue DBTC from Sergio. Yours is a stunner and most unusual. Con, you've done very well and have a beautiful tank to showcase your efforts. Any donations from your tank will always be welcomed with open gloves.
Well, found a possible reason for why some SPS died off... Spikes in PO4's even with my weekly water changes. A mysterious hand was feeding the tank in addition to me. Apparently my fish "always look hungry" ... ugh...

Another potential reason... I've noticed when I change water, my pH plummets... 8.3 down to 6.xx. Very peculiar so I tested the water and another strange thing was that the Mg was exactly 1000. Forgot to check the Ca/Alk because the Mg threw me off. Will check again. Not what I'd expect from Salinity so I thought it may be an error. However, I mixed 5g of water over the course of an hour. Heated it up, added 1/2 a cup at a time to make sure there was a minimum if not zero precipitation and the Mg still tested at 1000...
Something is off. Rolled the bucket around, mixed water slowly, heated it, etc. etc. Strange.