High Tide Aquatics

Tank Take-Over 150G


Supporting Member
IG: Salty_taste650

The purpose was to consolidate 3 tanks into 1 due to circumstances. I had 1 week to accomplish this task. Lets see the results

Aquascape + Adding all Coral = Complete

Top Down of the eye-Candy

Addison Quest Onyx Percula Pair in the Sump

Wild PNG Onyx Percula Spawning Pair Sleeping

All livestock is available for the right number. I am looking to move colonies and established livestock. Come on by, bring buckets, leave happy.
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Welcome to the new journal. New challenges ahead, lessons to be learned, mistakes to be made. Excited to make the most of it.

Currently looking to rehome lots of livestock, THANK YOU for taking time to check out my content.