Reef nutrition

Featured Tank tour sign up thread

This is all "in the coming months"?

I'm hoping that it'll be at a time I have free time, there's some great reefers on that list whose tanks are amazing
Line up is looking great. Thanks for prodding everyone into action @Srt4eric. Awesome work organizing @MichaelB.

Club definitely can cover costs like food/drink by the way. Maybe Michael is doing it already but I’d suggest starting a group PM for each region for people to share more details including more precise location to decide route/timing.
Just a update for everyone.

I've already started a chat for the east bay, where a specific date and details will be fleshed out for that region amoung those showing tanks in the east bay.

The southbay will also have a chat group started very soon. (Looking for prehaps 1-2 more willing to show case tanks in the southbay)

As as far as north Bay, peninsula, and San Francisco we are still pretty short of a full tank tour rooster in those areas.

If you are in those areas or know of people in those regions please respond here or pm if you have questions.

Just to point it out you don't need to have some super insane show peice type of display tanks. Our members are all at different levels of experience, equipment, budgets, you name it. If your willing to show your tank no doubt it would help others in the club as well. So don't let the thought my tank isn’t good enough stop you from signning up. We all start somewhere.

Additional I would like to find someone with some video taking skills willing to record and upload (utube) shots of the tanks tours. So that members who are unable to attend in person can still follow along and benefit. If you are willing to record video for any of the tours please let me know.

Thanks, Michael