High Tide Aquatics

Tapmorf's 75 Gallon Reef

Updated photo of the reef. A few things were sold and others were moved around. ;D

Hi Joyce,

I just found your tank pictures. How lovely! I am amazed at how much you have in it.

I recently perchased a 75 gal. All Glass. I am excited to explore its potential after looking at your tank pics!

Thanks for posting them. :D
Critter update: (Fish)

Bluespotted Jawfish (went flying about 2 weeks ago) RIP
Yellow Tang (traded since he has moved from GSP to zoos)

2 Cleaner Shrimps (been with me from the very beginning
4 Blue Green Chromis
Mystery Wrasse
Lawnmower Blenny
Saddleback Clown
Virgate Rabbitfish