High Tide Aquatics

Test Kits.....falling on swords



There was a long thread on the last BAR forum on test kits. At the time of the thread there where some "bad" batches supposedly making their rounds of Salifert test kits. I got 3 myself that gave bad readings and IIRC there was no batch numbers. I shot in the dark and got a 4th and it was bunk. I was pretty ticked and stopped using them all together. I was all ready using and loving Elos test kits (and still do). I ran out of KH and picked up a Salifert KH test kit today at The Aquarium Showroom. I must say I am impressed with the new kit. The standard, the resolution and the new syringe are great. IMO the color change happens more pronounced as well. I'll be running it along with my Elos :)
Interested in hearing how well it works (got a standard to test against?)
I have the seachem kits (white box ones) and they are almost out.
Gomer said:
Interested in hearing how well it works (got a standard to test against?)
I have the seachem kits (white box ones) and they are almost out.

I just got a seachem kit today. I tried testing the include 520ppm calibration fluid and got 490-500ppm. :|
The API can be pretty good if you score some of the BAR alk standard and titrate it with a syringe to calibrate your readings.

Then use the syringe when you want to test alk.

That's what I've been using for quite a while now.
Gomer said:
Interested in hearing how well it works (got a standard to test against?)
I have the seachem kits (white box ones) and they are almost out.

It comes with an 8 DKH standard. I was going to have one of our techs mix up another standard to check it though. if I could get some of the BAR ALK standard I'd be a happy camper though :) The techs are busy.
BAR alk standard. What is this? Can I get a sample of this? I am using API kit but I am really blind without standard. What is recommendations? So far I have good growth on the corals but I am concerned if the kit I am using changes. I have been working very hard to keep KH at 8. I noticed when ALK is 5-6 with my kit the our zoos don't want to open.

Mike Ray
Mike, a while back I made a batch of alk standard for calibrating test kits.

Here's a short thread on how to use it.


Might be some left with the BAR supplies.

Or maybe someone has a spare bottle they could give you.

Guess I'll need to make another batch soon.

I know from my ocean chem days that ALK is critical. I will check out the thread that you recommended.


Salifert have been adding a sanity check calibration fluide in their recent production of their Alk test kits and I am wondering how accurate theirs is compared to the one Norm made.

Norm/Tony...I have several bottles of their stuff sitting around the shop that I would like to compared. Can one of you guys hook me up with a sample of yours? Much appreciated!
Robert, I believe I covered that fact (ALK standard included) in two of my posts :lol: Welcome to last week :p I have one of Norms ALK standards and will check it against the Salifert tonight. FWIW I also had a refract standard that was off due to evaporation so I hesitate to put any official stamp on the standard. The refract was crusted over but the ALK was super clean so it's probably fine. None the less I had one of the Reed scientists mix me up ALK/Refract/CA/MG just in case :)
Tony don't the Seachem CA test kits look for a different type of Calcium? IIRC there was something different about them but it's been a long time.
I'm not sure, but I'll look into it. I do know that both the Ca and Mg kits precipitate out the other component and then do what looks like a typical EDTA titration. The odd thing though, is that you usually precipitate Mg into Magnesium hydroxide (which is why you add the base) since it isn't soluble where calcium hydroxide is...so with the Ca test, I'm not sure what exactly is going on since they are precipitateing "something" out. Either way, Calcium (Ca2+) ion is what is ultimately being looked at. I forget if I have another Ca standard, and if I do, I'll compare them.