High Tide Aquatics

The Long Awaited Elos 120 (3/17/14 - 4/14/24)

Update: With a little guy on the way, I thought it'd be best to capture the tank in its current state. Single FTS, no macros...Sorry!

Tank is in auto pilot, but my chalices are struggling. Not sure why.
I also realized that I put my nicest acro on the back of my rock work. Not sure what it is, but it has a name and is blue/white/purple/green. What is that one, @boun11?

With some time off, I'm hoping to plug more sticks in the tank at some point, so if anyone's trimming, let me know!

Current inhabitants:
Darwin pair
Solar wrasse
Yellow watchman
Flame angel

LF: Hawaiian Flame Wrasse

Two years have passed and the tank is still chugging along. Arms remained dry for nearly 18 months, and just started tinkering again!

Added a hippo tang (impulse mistake) and Melanarus wrasse. The midas blenny and Bartlett's are no more.

Something I've wanted to post for a while - Let's see your BIG snails! I've had this guy for nearly 10 years and it's the largest living mass in my tank (that I'm aware of). It's about 4.5" across and the same size as my trusty PT. Fairly sure it's a trochus though I didn't realize they got this big!

Something I've wanted to post for a while - Let's see your BIG snails! I've had this guy for nearly 10 years and it's the largest living mass in my tank (that I'm aware of). It's about 4.5" across and the same size as my trusty PT. Fairly sure it's a trochus though I didn't realize they got this big!

View attachment 11032

That makes me think "some lemon, cilantro, chilli pepers"...
I had a huge fighting conch that was about 5” across if that counts. My cowrie was about 3-1/2” and a couple turbos that were about 2-1/2”.

If that’s a trochus that’s got to be a record. The most mine ever got was about an inch.
I had a huge fighting conch that was about 5” across if that counts. My cowrie was about 3-1/2” and a couple turbos that were about 2-1/2”.

If that’s a trochus that’s got to be a record. The most mine ever got was about an inch.

I’ve only added trochus, astrea, nassarius, and turbos. Could have been something mixed in but the foot certainly looks like a trochus!
Missed the annual December update but perhaps for good reason. The tank was overrun with cyano, hair algae, and dinos. Things have been more than busy and the tank wasn’t making me happy anymore - Almost Marie Kondo’d it. Ran to the edge of shutting down and quitting.

Last ditch effort was a 3-day blackout. First time doing one, and wow, what impressive results. All were almost completely gone. Some specks of hair algae here and there, but minimaI. I hesitated WAY too long and watched a lot of corals perish away. Did manual siphoning, big water changes, and the only thing that worked was the 3-day blackout.

To the delight of the little guy, the fish are here to stay, and the tank is once again ready for new corals :)
Looking good! Keep us posted on the results of your 3-day wonder blackout. I bet your blood pressure when looking at the tank before and after was quite different.

Umm... just saw your humongous snail a couple posts back. Yowza! Never heard of a 10-year old snail! It just goes around cleaning glass and rock? Always has had enough food, I guess. Does it dislodge mounted corals?