got ethical husbandry?

Thermal Blankets on the Outside of the Tank?


After reading a lot of posts about really high PG&E bills, I am trying to decide how to reduce heat loss in my upgrade system. I read Chicken's post about how he greatly reduced heating/power costs by placing styrofoam beneath the sump, and covering the display tank and sump. I had an idea: when I am not home, I could attach a thermal blanket to the outside of the tank using long velcro strips. Is this a great idea, or a crazy one?
A brief internet search found this closed cell foam that is designed to float on top of a spa:
That product is probably too thick and heavy to velcro to the outside of an aquarium,

And this volara foam used in refrigerators:
Would love to know your opinions about this concept.
The concept is great - its the time required to constantly put it on and take it off that makes it not feasible for me. I've found that anything in this hobby that is not automated, simply stops being done after a short time.
Thanks for the feedback, Mr. Ugly & kvosstra. I'm seriously considering ordering some of the volara foam and a large roll of velcro. It seems like the volara foam could also be used underneath the display tank and the sump, to reduce heat loss through the bottom of the tanks.