Cali Kid Corals

Thesassyindian's 13.5 gallon m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ ̶p̶i̶t̶ nano mixed reef

Give the red planet a lot of light and you’ll really just get red. You could try the palmers blue I guess, but that’s not super easy. I got enough for you to try one tho if you want
After 274 days of being in the hobby, I decided to "sanity check" my water testing skills.
So, I stopped by AC today for an Aquaspin test. Here are the results:


Percentage Differences:
Alkalinity: 5.24%
Calcium: 3.49%
Magnesium: 7.14%
Phosphate: the least count of the SA is 0.1ppm, so that's close enough as well.

I knew my Nitrates were low, but 1ppm? holy crap!
Maybe I should do water changes less often?
(currently I do 50% every 2 weeks)
@Coral reefer since my Nitrates are 1ppm, dissolved organics wouldn't be the cause of the sponge bloom correct?
Or was the Nitrate reading low because most of the nitrates were being consumed?

Will less often water changes help?
(currently I do 50% every 2 weeks)
Help meaning raise nitrates? If so yes.
Nitrates are not the same as dissolved organics. There are other things sponges will Eat
Thanks! If I do decide to space out my water changes further, I will have to look for a better Phosphate export method.
They reach around 0.08ppm-1ppm by the end of 2 weeks. Maybe I'll add GFO at the 2 week mark, and do monthly water changes.
I have a ~6 inch piece of PVC pipe left over from something at work.

Planning on cutting it in half and adding it to the tank against the glass as a see-through burrow for my shrimp/goby pair.

Do I need to do anything special to get it tank ready? Like soaking it in tap water / RODI / saltwater, etc?

It was cleaned with acetone a few hours ago to get rid of any residual machine oils or metal dust.

I don’t see how it would be different than using pvc to plumb something. Return pipes end up fully submerged on the inside and outside of the pvc. And people often use pvc pipe and fittings to make caves for QT tanks.
I don’t see how it would be different than using pvc to plumb something. Return pipes end up fully submerged on the inside and outside of the pvc. And people often use pvc pipe and fittings to make caves for QT tanks.
Correct, I just wanted to know if there was any need to "cure" them. And if so, how.
I’m with evannn - looks like a Polyclad flatworm. Is that a bunch of eggs just below it in the pic?
That is right - tons of eggs! Dang it!
I just took it out and dipped it in coralRx for 15mins.

Found 4 large Polyclads in the dip. Then took an X-acto knife and scraped off as many eggs as I could see, followed by a rinse in fresh salt water and added back to the tank. Unfortunately I don’t have a QT system.



Oh and I swapped the frag tile as well. Keeping it in the dip for 24 hours and will boil it tomorrow.