Reef nutrition



Neptune Aquatics
LFS Owner
- Bartlett's Anthias
- Blue Eye Cardinals
- Long-Nose Hawkfish
- Hi-Fin Wrasse
- Filament Wrasse
- Striped Blue Eye Cardinalfish
- Tail Spot Blenny
- Bi-Color Blenny
- Hi-Fin Tangaroa Goby
- Pajama Cardinals
- Pearly Jawfish
- Royal Gramma
- Black Cap Basslett
- Yellow Watchmen Goby
- Hard Tube Red Coco Worms
- Sea Fan
- Red Gorgonia
- Red Cynarina
- Peppermint Shrimp
- Scarlett Legged Hermit
- Blue Legged Hermit
- Red Randall Pistol Shrimp
- Mexican Red Legged Hermit

We are also expecting a very nice shipment from ORA this Friday.

Neptune Aquatics Team
Sorry Justin but we ended up bumping the ORA shipment out to next week instead due to an Indo shipment coming in tomorrow. We placed this order several weeks ago but it didn't come til now.

This is what we are planning to order:

ORA Snowflake - 2X
ORA Premium Snowflake - 2X
ORA Premium Picasso - 2X
Black Ocellaris - 4X
Extreme Misbar Black Ocellaris - 3X
Neon Dottyback - 6X (Lot price)
Orchid Dottyback - 2X
Sunrise Dottyback - 2X
Splendid Dottyback - 2X
Striped Dottyback - 1X
Yellow Assessor - 3X
Ultra Grade Maxima 1.5” - 3X
Derasa Clam 2.5” - 3X
Bird of Paradise - 5X
ORA Solitaryensis - 2X
Ice Tortuosa - 1X
Blue Voodoo - 1X
Tri-color Valida - 1X
German Blue Digitata - 2X
Purple Capricornis - 1X
Lantana Montipora - 1X
Purple Stylophora - 3Xa

Let us know if anyone would like us to add anything









Hmmm...I think it's still in the shop Gresh. I'll check tomorrow. luck would have it, I have another bad-ass coral shipment coming in tomorrow.....AND another one from ORA this Friday! Damn....I have corals coming out my ears this week. Now ya'all know why my ears are floppy.

This is the final list I submitted to ORA for this Friday delivery:

1. ORA Snowflake - 2X
2. ORA Premium Snowflake - 2X
3. ORA Premium Picasso - 2X
4. Black Ocellaris - 4X
5. Extreme Misbar Black Ocellaris - 3X
6. Neon Dottyback - 6X (Lot price)
7. Orchid Dottyback - 4X (Juvies to small)
8. Sunrise Dottyback - 2X
9. Splendid Dottyback - 2X
10. Striped Dottyback - 1X
11. Yellow Assessor - 3X
12. Ultra Grade Maxima 1.5” - 3X
13. Derasa Clam 2.5” - 3X
14. Blue Millepora - 1X
15. Bird of Paradise - 5X
16. Verde Acropora - 1X
17. ORA Solitaryensis - 2X
18. Ice Tortuosa - 1X
19. Blue Bottlebrush - 1X
20. Blue Voodoo - 1X
21. Tri-color Valida - 1X
22. German Blue Digitata - 2X
23. Purple Capricornis - 1X
24. Lantana Montipora - 1X
25. Purple Stylophora - 3X
26. Chips Acro - 1X (Special Order)
27. Purple Plasma - 1X (Special Order)
28. Blue Iris Acro - 1X (Special Order)
29. Borealis - 1X (Special Order)
Nice to find this frag still available and now in my tank! Thanks, Robert........I'm well stocked on everything now including all those peppermint shrimp. I sneaked most of them in the tank just after I did a major feeding of the fish and turned the lights off. I watched them migrate to the LR with very little attention from the "shrimp eaters". Funny, my harlequin shrimp are holding their own against the fleet of fairy wrasses just fine. I'll be watching for the aptasia to thin out now. :bigsmile:
Awesome John. Glad the shrimps made it past the gauntlet so far. Hope they will hold their ground and start getting to work soon for ya.