got ethical husbandry?

This wind is scaring me...

Just out of curiosity, in a pinch, if I had a straw and blew bubbles into the tank constantly, would that be enough to oxygenate the water and keep livestock alive until the power returns? Maybe a small tank and a big straw?

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it would be easier on you to scoop water up in a pitcher and pour it back down.

We had a blackout a month or so ago, I have two B11 battery pumps on the tank, and they kicked in right away to bubble up the tank. I have another one that I will install as well. They kick in automatically and should last 8-20 hours, depending on who you listen to. Of course, have spare D batteries around.

Does anyone have the Ice Cap Battery backup for the gyre? I wanted to build my own, but wondering if someone can help me. I am picking up a 12v battery tender, and 12v battery sealed lead acid battery. The Maxspect Gyre power supply shows output of 24v 4amps. I'm not sure which step up converter to get... do I need to match output of exactly 4amps, or getting with more amps is fine? I assume you just buy based on maxed capactity, so the 5amp or 12amp version should work? Something like this:

Voltage is more important, I believe the device will only draw as much amperage as is, that is max amps on tap.
By the way, this is a real issue. WHen my STUPID DC RETURN PUMP died, I came home and found my fish lethargic with two of them lying sideways on the ground, even though I have two Vortech MP-40s on the tank, neither was high up enough to really move the surface of the water... that was mostly by design as those pumps can really start a ... vortex and such air downwards, so I leave them deep. Anyway, I immediately grabbed a small powerhead that had an air-line venturi on it, and ran it in the tank so it created a LOT of bubbles. Soon most of the fish actually looked better ... except for my Klein Butterfly, who was already dead by that point.

As a backup (which I've not done yet) I'm considering adding a HOB filter (with no media in it) to the back of the tank to provide surface agitation OR adding a powerhead in the tank WITH an air venturi, but with the venturi set to just below the surface so that it sucks in water normally, but will suck in air if the return pump fails and the display tank water level drops. Neither of these will work if the power cuts out, but will save the fish if the return pump dies. If the power goes out, the B-11 air pumps will kick in.

As an aside, I find it "funny" that my brand new expensive fancy DC pump would die so easily, but my cheapo Via-Aqua 2600, which has been running 24/7 for almost 20 years is still going strong as my return pump, with only a short break where it was replaced by the treacherous DC pump.

With the new eb832 you can program if outlet less than certain watts turn on air pump with air stone.

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There's always the cheap solution of an air pump, AC with battery back-up; power goes out, air pump kicks in, I believe they run on one or two C batteries.
By the way, this is a real issue. WHen my STUPID DC RETURN PUMP died, I came home and found my fish lethargic with two of them lying sideways on the ground, even though I have two Vortech MP-40s on the tank, neither was high up enough to really move the surface of the water... that was mostly by design as those pumps can really start a ... vortex and such air downwards, so I leave them deep. Anyway, I immediately grabbed a small powerhead that had an air-line venturi on it, and ran it in the tank so it created a LOT of bubbles. Soon most of the fish actually looked better ... except for my Klein Butterfly, who was already dead by that point.

As a backup (which I've not done yet) I'm considering adding a HOB filter (with no media in it) to the back of the tank to provide surface agitation OR adding a powerhead in the tank WITH an air venturi, but with the venturi set to just below the surface so that it sucks in water normally, but will suck in air if the return pump fails and the display tank water level drops. Neither of these will work if the power cuts out, but will save the fish if the return pump dies. If the power goes out, the B-11 air pumps will kick in.

As an aside, I find it "funny" that my brand new expensive fancy DC pump would die so easily, but my cheapo Via-Aqua 2600, which has been running 24/7 for almost 20 years is still going strong as my return pump, with only a short break where it was replaced by the treacherous DC pump.

Lol, please tell me you're not calling a jebao fancy or expensive?
Lol, please tell me you're not calling a jebao fancy or expensive?

I'm calling DC pumps fancy, and it was more expensive than my Via Aqua (not that that is an expensive pump).

Like my Mom always says "Penny Wise, Pound Foolish", which I translate to mean, "don't be so cheap".

Whatever brand DC pump is in my Skimz skimmer seems awesome though, and I hope it doesn't break.

In fact I'm not even sure if it's the pump that broke or the electronics that fried in the stupid knockoff junk DC pump.
All I know is I won't buy another one.
I don't even think that jebeo has a warranty. My impression is they make knockoff sort of products. I believe that at Neptune's they are all final sale.

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