High Tide Aquatics

Time for return to the hobby


Supporting Member
Hello everyone
I’m getting closer to returning to the hobby. Not sure to what scale but it certainly won’t be like last time. 1000 gallons running threw the garage was almost like a second job. I’m still putting in a ton of hours at work but I’m also at the point to where I could enjoy the hobby again. Not sure who’s still around but first step was to become a supporting member again and to refresh myself with the hobby.
Tankguy , Bob

Suggestion: Two 120 gallon tanks.

I pretty solidly believe 120G is a sweet spot. Large enough to handle most fish you probably want, especially a tang.
Small enough to be a reasonable amount of work. Easy to access things. Stable water parameters.

Why two:
Because as a big-tank-guy, it is really hard to go that small.
As a bonus, two tanks allows you to have two very different types of setups, and no conflict issues.
You could do Fancy sticks / FOWLR. You could do predator / peaceful. Whatever.

Suggestion: Two 120 gallon tanks.

I pretty solidly believe 120G is a sweet spot. Large enough to handle most fish you probably want, especially a tang.
Small enough to be a reasonable amount of work. Easy to access things. Stable water parameters.

Why two:
Because as a big-tank-guy, it is really hard to go that small.
As a bonus, two tanks allows you to have two very different types of setups, and no conflict issues.
You could do Fancy sticks / FOWLR. You could do predator / peaceful. Whatever.
Well see. Still unsure and my wife needs to move her stuff so I can see how much room I have to work with. No rush
Word on the “street” was, you were still doing hard labor down at the PG&E power plant for your “over usage” running your past set ups.
Glad to hear you’re a free man again! Welcome back Bob