Cali Kid Corals

Tiny snail ID


Supporting Member
They look similar to pyramids, but the "coil" shape looks rounder and more defined. Also I have not found a single one on my clam, which is actively growing (a new scute has formed). My trochus snails have not cared, including the babies.

Online some people speculate they're baby ceriths, and I do have a sizable population of dwarf ceriths from RC (which the thread starter also got). I added like 3-500 probably six months ago. Only thing throwing me off is that the adults are black and these are translucent beige... Maybe the babies develop pigmentation later on? Other people say Rissoid snails, but online pics look somewhat dissimilar.

These dudes come out at night, and are scattered on the rocks, sand and glass

Ignore the red planarians lol. They just sit there and photosynthesize and don't hurt anything, so I haven't made a real effort to kill them yet :p

They do look like baby dwarves and breed readily based off food availability like film algae so population should go up and down.. I did notice my stomatella snails declined in population as the dwarfs increased like hundreds all over glass at night..eventually everything leveled out.. If theres algae on the clam they can irritate it sometime if they swarm so a soft tooth brush on the outer shell wouldn’t hurt… Nice
looks like the snails that attack clams and other snails... rice snails aka pyramidellid snails..

There's over a 1,000 species of pyramidellid, all with different shell shapes.
Right that’s what I thought too, but there’s probably hundreds and not a single one on a clam or a snail, only on rocks and glass. My clam has been growing well too.

They do look like baby dwarves and breed readily based off food availability like film algae so population should go up and down.. I did notice my stomatella snails declined in population as the dwarfs increased like hundreds all over glass at night..eventually everything leveled out.. If theres algae on the clam they can irritate it sometime if they swarm so a soft tooth brush on the outer shell wouldn’t hurt… Nice
Do you have any pics of the baby dwarves?
Sorry no pics had to break that tank down a couple years ago due to a seam failure ! ( not red sea lol ) ..Just have random baby trochus now