Cali Kid Corals

Tropic Marin Pro Coral Care - local?

Are there any local stores that have it?

Yep, all those lovely corals I am sitting on have ae flatworms.

I stood on a ladder for a hour and a half (btw, large glass center braces do indeed have a function - they hold dipping containers), dipping individual frags in those cheapie clear plastic party cups in the solution.

Yesterday, I did a couple of dips and found one egg mass - scraped it off with a old paring knife.

Looked in on the ultra green efflo - only to find the fuzzy mass inside the whorl was a monti-eating nudibranch. I had to break and edge off to get to the son of gun, and to make sure there were no eggs laid.

Guess what there were eggs.

Yes, Virginia even free stuff (albeit temporarily) sucks to have.

Times like this makes me want to just go with LPS, Softies, Fish, and call it a day. <sigh>
Is any of your stuff in there? If not might want to wait without corals for a while to make sure any flatworms or the like die off. What's the life cycle of those things without food btw?
Does flatworm exit work for AEFW? We used it for acoel flatworms with great success back in Boston. If you try it, follow the directions very carefully with regard to the filtration afterwards, and do it a few times about 5-6 days apart to get any hatchlings.
Yup, killed all of my stuff - sps wise. Maybe not outright killed but did significant damage to the point where I just threw it out.

Many of the corals were not doing well because of the excess algae bloom in the smaller tank so I moved them to the larger tank - mainly just browning up.

Flatworm Exit does very little (you almost need to triple or quadruple the solution) you need an iodine based solution and from what I have read so far, the Tropic Marine Pro Coral Care is a much stronger solution.
The acro-eating flatworms seem to have a five day lifespan (mind you this is what I have read - I am just trying to duke nukem the little bastards)

Assuming you can find the eggs - you have to know what you are looking for - you have to scrape the eggs off. I have read that the eggs can hitchhick on rock as well as frag plugs - plastic ones included.

As everyone may know that Frank Burr will be giving a talk on Quarentine at our August 12 meeting. I really encourage everyone to come and listen and most importantly quarentine your corals and fish.

I know for one I have always thought I could dodge the bullet on fish and corals (no dipping). After seeing how devasting these flatworms can be even on corals that I have no monetary interest in I am literally sick and disgusted with myself.

I guess the only redeeming bright spot is the little chalice frag I got from the frag seminar that BAR hosted several years ago. I thought it was dead back in March - the poor thing was white with a little orange spots aka mouths. It has colored up to be a very beautiful teal with pinkish mouths. LPS are looking very good right now.
I ideally would like to buy a bottle by no later than next week. I have enough for another dip at the end of the week. Not sure if it will last another set of dips for the following week or so.
I feel your anexity to an extent Eileen, starting up a new tank that's SPS dominated I really want to avoid any sort of contaimination issues that could occur because most of the two major genus have some uber killer Acropora & Montipora. (Hopefully my Pocillipora have no enemies). Someone told me they found flatworms on a monti frag I gave them, but I haven't seen any on my corals nor any evidence of damage but I'm still going over everything with a fine toothed comb, problem is most of my montis have encrusted to the bigger rocks.

I concur that Frank Burr's talk on quarantine proceedures will be more than welcomed everyone who has any questions about it should come.

I don't know why so many of these issues seem to be coming out lately in such large numbers, maybe more people in the hobby? I've read that it's been an issue in Germany for quite some time, someone buy something from germany? It's literally an AIDS type epidemic that can easily be eradicated, its easy to prevent getting aids it's not so easy if you already have it in your body just like any one of the above pests.