I purchase my two part mix from BRS like many BAR members. I've got dosing ramped up pretty well to keep the CA at 400+ and aiming for 440. My carbonate hardness is always borderline "high" at about 12 or 13 and my Ph regularly hits 8.56 during the day. My instructions tell me to dose equally with CA and ALK...................should I cut back the ALK to bring the hardness and Ph back down to a lower level? Has anyone done lower dosage of one or the other "part" in the past with good results? Some of my coral looks just great but I'm still struggling with health of some acros and millis. Any ideas would help and THEN perhaps you could guide me toward some jumbo Peppermint Shrimp, 2" or larger or a nice, healthy, acclimated Copperband BF. I'm running out of Joe's Juice and at $12 a pop, that's getting expensive for dealing with those dam*ed Aptasia!!!!