
Um WOW we've been SSB'd lol

We've been Super Spam Bombed today, it was nearly comical when I logged in & saw it...

Where's our anti-spam plan we had discussed? we need to get on top of that, please tell me how I can help? I don't know as much about websites as I used to but I spend a hell of a lot of time on here so I feel I should be doing something more productive than just clicking the "report" button... except today I'm throwing in the towel, way too many threads to flag o_O
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wow he's still going at it, as if the more spam the more likely we're going to follow? I don't get it.

Mike I think you're imagining a letter u and an extra c & k that aren't there hahaha :cool: I admit thought I too feel that would be a more suitable name for this elusive spammer...
Wow! That is a TON of spam. Somehow they must have gotten through Denzil's spam filter. I used to have the ability to delete spam threads and all threads by that user, but that ability seems to vanish. The best I could do was mark the threads for Denzil to take care of. Sorry everyone!
Thanks, D. You are quick. I didn't even see the spam!

Now if you could only do something about my personal email! Someone - who can't spell worth a damm and has NO grammar skills - thinks I'm really interested in helping move millions of dollars, pounds or marks from their country to the US! RIGHT.