Cali Kid Corals

Urchin turning white

I got a long spine urchin about 6 months ago and it was jet black in the LFS. The next day I noticed some white banding on a few of the spines and then over the next few weeks it got much more pronounced.

My picture isn’t uploading right now so I’ll have to try again later.

He seems otherwise healthy. He’s probably doubled in size since I’ve gotten him. Any ideas why he’s not fully black anymore?
Maybe your calcium began to precipitate out of solution and encrust on the growth rings of the urchin spines. Just a speculation.
no clue either. just hypothetical answers. I did come across this on reefcentral though, but somewhat the same thing. Some people say: new growth, water parameters, signs of dying... Here is the thread:
Yep saw that, thanks though.

Umm ... it's BAR.
Hey I have a totally helpful unique idea - maybe water quality problems.

Eggs? A few urchins hold eggs on their spines. Doubt it though.

No clue.
My first thought was water too. The water parameters are good right now but they haven’t always been that way (high po4) so it’s possible. I guess I was hoping that if it was the water that it would get better over time with better water but I haven’t noticed any change (better or worse).

Definitely not eggs. The white is in the spine itself not on it.
Could just be old age.
Some species only live a few years.
Although I hear the red sea urchin can live something like 200.
Does it look like this? :)
I have one and it started getting white spines in patches but now most new growth is white. He's healthy and just very unique looking, water is perfect and he has tons of food. I wouldn't worry if yours is growing and spines are not falling out.