
URGENT NEED HELP: bleaching anemone


Supporting Member
I bought a Ultra rainbow nem few weeks ago, acclimate and introduced to my tank. After two day trying to find it sweet spot, it disappeared. I saw it again yesterday, look like it bleaching, color almost white out with little pink tip. Is it treat able? how and what to do?
what happened to it specifically? there has been debate on how to treat bleaching nems. some advocate avoid feeding, and making sure all parameters are stable.

some never come back no matter what.
I would check on where you got it from to see how long they had it and the water params they had to compare to yours.
Water changes. Maybe a little carbon. What are your temp alk nitrates salinity?
If you don't want to answer all those maybe post this in your tank journal and the info may already be there for me?
I got two at the same time, they came from and stable old tank. This nem was healthy when I first got it, the other is look good and stable so far.
my tank info:
120 g with 2 Radion light at 55% intensity for 8 hrs /day.
SAL: 1.025
PH: 8.0
ALK: 10
CAL: 470
MAG: 1500
Nitrate: 0.5ppm
Phosphate: 3ppm
temp: 78F
Most things I've read online say to avoid feeding the anemone. Actually most will advise that there is not much you can do and to leave the anemone alone while it sorts itself out, because trying to treat it will only increase stress on the anemone.

I'd check water params to make sure nothing is out of wack and possibly decrease lighting and flow if the anemone keeps moving around

Good luck
I would just let it be and let it figure things out on its own. If it's unhappy, it'll certainly move and find a place to hide. Nems generally like to hide and bury their foot in nooks and crannies in rocks. If you can give it that while it still get some ambient light (not being blasted by it), it may be able to recover.

I recently got a couple nems from MACNA and one turned completely white. However, it looks rather healthy as its foot is firmly attached to my rock and bubbles up. It's only starting to color back up again so there's definitely some hope. In the process of mine bleaching, I left it entirely alone (minus the clowns rubbing incessantly in it).
Mine freaked out and bleached a few years ago. It hid for a while. Then came back with no problem. I did nothing.
It recently split. shortly after splitting one bleached a bit and then got color after a week or two. once again i took no action, both are fine and growing. I NEVER feed them. Over 6 years in the tank.
I agree about the near zero feeding. If they are super happy then squirt a bit of food at them when you feed your LPS but otherwise too much food can just stress them. They need food primarily for protein, essential fatty acids (protein constituents) and vitamins and very, very little of it. The occasional hapless copepod can suffice quite nicely. Calories they get from photosynthesis.

I agree with Mike. Run a little carbon and see what happens.
I agree with the advice. Your mag and calcium are both on the high side. They are both fine, but no doubt, higher than any lfs would keep. I'm betting that it's just stressed from acclimation and simply needs time. You can reduce stress by matching your lights to the lighting it came from. I hope it pulls through for you!

Justin (San Francisco),
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