Reef nutrition

URL unfurl not working reliably


URL unfurl is when a link posted shows a preview of the page/item being linked to. I think it is very helpful. Our site used to almost always show this unfurl preview, but now more often than not it doesn’t. I’ve noticed most frequently when linking to Amazon.

I don’t know enough about Xenforo to know if it is an issue we have any control over or not. From looking at how Xenforo parses URLs, I see that it is trying to generate the unfurl preview but is failing.

Any advice on how to prep links so that they are more likely to succeed in unfurling? Or something we need to update/tweak on our side of Xenforo?
For Mac/Safari,
Enable (check) View/Show Status Bar
And the real link will show in a small bar at the bottom.
Works fine on our site for me.

I don't think our site or XenForo has anything to do with it. It is all a web browser feature.
It definitely is not a user-side browser or other user setting (other than maybe URL formatting). I often see links unfurling and not unfurling on the same page in the same browser window here, for example today you can see my link looking like it belongs in the 20th century and @Patio‘s link unfurling nicely:
