Cali Kid Corals

Variable speed fan

Does anyone have any thoughts on this fan?
I have a BUNCH of those running as we speak, out of that bunch I've only had one go bad due to an improperly vented stand. Otherwise they have been super solid, plus the temp sensor actually works :)
Thanks for your feedback Jeremy!
Does the temperature sensor go in to the water?
Is the fan strong enough to justify the price tag?
Is there anything comparable in quality that is cheaper? I figure just like people buy Nike's for the check logo, some people may buy the fan because it is by IceCap.
You can use computer fans to cool the tank, they are cheaper for sure and probably similar to what IceCap uses, I'm sure it's OK. The deal with the temp sensors is they measure the ambient air temperature and adjust the speed of the fan depending on how hot it is, so it keeps the level of noise down when it's not necessary :)
Ah, so the temperature sensor is a probe that detects air temperature, not water temperature, gotcha.
Hm, I'll need to think about this one :)
Hm, never thought of it that way ... only reason I am considering one of these bad boys is in case I upgrade to a 250w HQI from my 150.
Acclimating the tank is going to be a PITA ... I'd hate to lose anything! :(
Well if you're going to get one of these might also want to take a look at

This guy basically does the same thing, except you can use whatever fan you want, large or small (DC only I believe though), but you can piggy back 8 fans off it.
The one draw back to having one controller on multiple fans is they can sync up in frequency and create a louder noise. Dang it, forgot the term...resonant frequency?

I've run the IC fans since they came out like 8 years ago. Bout every 3 - 4 years I need to replace them (salt creep, etc)
If you want to go the variable power supply from radio shack and computer fan route, I have a bunch of 3.5" computer fans I can give you Anthony.
Thanks Jay, I'll definitely take you up on the offer if I go that route! :) I first need to find out how to mount/position these fans in a desirable fashion on my tank, or in my stand.