so i had a hair algae out break a few months ago. manual removal and brushing it off worked. theres a few tuff's here and there. i was going through that for 3 months or so. i would test weekly and would get 0 nitrates and 0 phospahtes. figured that the GHA was consuming it all. been about a month since i cleared it out. now that its gone im still reading 0 on both. getting a bit worried. i have a 525 with 11 fish. most being on the smaller side cept for the fox face and hippo. i feed quite a bit now. @derek_SR said my fish were on the skinny side. 2x4 inch sheets of nori 4 times a day. pellets and frozen 4-6 times a day. also using reef chili. at twice the recommended starting dose. the sps i got from @derek_SR a couple months ago have grown on to the rock work. they seem like there doing pretty good. but my gut says they should be doing better. i test about every other day. i took my reefmatt off line last night. going to test again tomorrow. i ordered an automatic feeder. will be here next week. skimmer has been off the past month as well. any ideas?