Cali Kid Corals

Vincent's 40g AIO

Better pix of the Lightning Maroon n the bta


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Grrrrr! Look what I just found under 1 of my monti caps!?!


Went through all the monti frags with a magnified eyepiece. Then Bayer dipped everything! I'll be eyeing all the montis now.
Check the underside for egg clusters

I went thorough all the monti frags and did not find any. I'll check again tomorrow. Unfortunately I'll be leaving on Wed to Tahoe for the rest of the week so if I find nothing tomorrow, I'll have to wait till Sunday before checking again.

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I saw in Enderturtle's thread that you are swapping out you hydra 52s for kessils - any reason why?

I find that I don't use the individual led color control at all. I just use the Kelvin and intensity sliders to set my lights. Plus I'm getting a lot of shadowing so the plan was to go with 5 Hydra 52s but after seeing the BRS video on the AP700s, I decided to give them a shot. They seem to have the least shadowing I've seen from any of the LED fixtures and I do love the shimmer. I can do without the sunrise/sunset and I can still control the light via cloud which is cool.
I find that I don't use the individual led color control at all. I just use the Kelvin and intensity sliders to set my lights. Plus I'm getting a lot of shadowing so the plan was to go with 5 Hydra 52s but after seeing the BRS video on the AP700s, I decided to give them a shot. They seem to have the least shadowing I've seen from any of the LED fixtures and I do love the shimmer. I can do without the sunrise/sunset and I can still control the light via cloud which is cool.

Interesting. I am probably going to go with more 52's for my new build. I already have 2 on my current tank, and the new tank came with three sols, I'll have all five on initially, but if I don't like the sols I may buy more 52's.
Got an Avast Porthole and used it the 1st time tonight. Fun!

Some results.


Piece of a chalice I got from the last frag swap. Came from Boun's tank I believe. I accidentally 'fragged' it last week. There is a much bigger piece in another part of the tank.


Picked this up from Neptune last week.


These I believe are Rainbow Rhinos. I think there are 2 babies under that.


And these are Yellow Rhinos. Has 1 baby.


Don't know what these are.

Can't remeber what these are. Goblins on fire?


Lazer Lemons.


Radioactive dragon eyes I think.
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Apex par meter pays off! When my tank gets to 4pm, the light switches to 18k but there is a steep drop off in PAR even though my intensity actually goes up! I just bumped the intensity at 4pm to 75%. Guess we'll see tomorrow.
I wonder if the intensity will still signal cycles (diurnal, lunar) for the coral independent of receiving energy from the PAR or if the PAR is what signals it.
Had the dslr out so took some gratuitous glamour shots.

Acan Echinata


Some acroporas I picked up from Neptune a few weeks ago.

Bleeding Apple Scoly


2 California Torts. I will be bringing 1 to the swap.


Chalice from Neptune. Can't remember the name.

Hairy Rhodactis Mushroom
Helfrichi I picked up from Aquarium Concepts.


The Maroon female frolicking in the BTA

A Rainfordi goby

Tangerine Chalice from the growout.

Yes there is some algae next to it. :p