Reef nutrition

Vincent's Office tank

Yup! The morning is usually feed the fish, clean the tank etc. So its pretty awesome but the downside is I don't get to enjoy this tank when I'm at home relaxing.
I feel the same way about my office tank. I take care of it in my down time but don't get to enjoy it as much since its not at home.
Some progress.

From Indo-pacific sea farms
Live Sand Activator Plus with Wondermud
Mini Stars
Mama Mia worms

From Rusalty
Amphipods and Mysid shrimp.

Added different pods from Algaebarn last week.

Getting diverse life introduced into the tank!
Oh wow, I didn’t realize you could buy live mysis shrimp. What do they eat?
Its actually Mysid. Which is SW. Mysis is FW. But I think they are similar.
They will scavenge for what they can. I'm dosing phyto as well as putting in a little frozen + fine powdered coral food like Reef Roids or Benepets.