
water level in sump

By the height of your baffles *rimshot*

If you have an insump skimmer make it at least as deep as recommended spec depths, more is fine too you just need to build a stand for it to sit on in the sump. Actually height doesn't really matter IMO as long as what needs to be submerged is.
What Mike said is true. The height of the baffles determines the height of the water in the sump. The water level can not be too high though, to account for the water draining back down in the event of a power outage causing a flood. Also drill an antisiphon hole just below the water surface of the display on the return pipe, if possible, so that the siphon breaks in case of outage as well.
No baffles in this sump :)
I'll have to look up the specs for my Euro-reef, and find out what the minimum recommended water level is. It is a small sump, coming in at only 15g.
Good call about drilling a hole in the return line Joyce -actually a buddy of mine suggested doing the same thing (especially because I will be using loc-line in my tank), and is going to help me do just that.
Thanks all :)
Find out what the maximum is too. What I did is use an auto top off to keep the water at the optimum level. If the water level is too low or too high your skimmer won't function properly. You could probably call Euro Reef and ask. They have very good customer service.