High Tide Aquatics

wavysea owner's manual

I saw that one Perry.. Nice pick up. I just picked up three more of those for my future set up.

All you need to know about it is

Press: Reset --> the wavysea will slowly rotate clockwise. Once it reaches your desire setpoint.
Press Set 1 --> this will set the starting position and slowly spin counterclockwise. Once it reaches your ending position then
Press Set 2 --> this is your ending position. Then, adjust the numbers to desired speed.

These step need to be followed each time power outage occurs.
Thanks, Ed.

I just don't like this " These step need to be followed each time power outage occurs. " What happens if the power comes back after power outage?
Once power is restored. the wavysea remains frozen at the location when the power was cut off. It needs to be reset and reprogram, in order for it run again.

Did you get the Plus model or standard?
the only diference is the amount of water you could push into it. Dont know the exact amount. but either case, i'll like it. I have two on my system. I'm adding two more for my new system.