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Weigh in (Part Deaux) ....

My thought on the dragonets though was to get ORA's which eat processed food
If your running SPS tanks, wouldn't your flow be pretty agressive? meaning that Dragonets being slow feeders, I really don't think they would get a chance to eat the ORA prepared foods with the water flow for SPS? Unless you plan to turn off the flow daily during feedings to allow the Dragonets to get to the food and that is without taking account to aggressive feeders getting to that food prior to the Dragonets.

I've had multiple times of having Mystery's, always mean bastards. But beautiful fish.
A mean royal gramma? I find them to be timid and one of the least aggressive fish in my tank. But googling it seems like some can be mean.

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Really depends on the tank mates. If everything else around is small and timid, it will rule the tank. Throw in a splendid dottyback or a mean damselfish, you may never see it.
My royal gramma was pretty timid. It took a month to get comfortable before it would stay out in open water.

My six line never bothered anyone. It constantly peruse the rocks creating lots of motions

I got both of them at tiny size.

I would never get dottyback of damsel. My yellow tang took up all the asshole quota.