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Weird Mg readings


Supporting Member
I was dosing 80mL a day of bulk reef supply Mg 2part solution, and was around 1300ppm. I tried to bump that up to 1350, so I dosed 400mL of it (broken up into 24 doses with my bubble magus). Weirdly, today my Mg read 1200ppm. I tested it many times, though maybe my Salifert kit is already failing on me.

I dose about 15mL of Alk solution, and 50mL of Ca solution daily. Why would Mg be dropping so quickly?

My total water volume is 100 - 120g. I have a small clam that actually has a hell of a lot of new shell going on now, and a ton of now encrusting frags.

Everything in the tank seems to be bleaching a bit, though might be from the intense lighting.
Yes, I was low for a little while (month or two?), hovering around 1170 - 1200ppm before I started dosing. now the levels aren't really corresponding to how much I dose, which I guess could be the case, but it's pretty weird.
I've seen this happen when you try to get back up. It'll catch up. IMO stuff that needed it is just sucking more up. Just my theory, it may hold no water scientifically though.
thanks gresham, I'll keep an eye on it. I just think it's ridiculous how it's sucking up so much Mg and not wavering on the Ca / Alk. I always thought Mg was used to keep Ca and Alk easier to "use" for the coral, or something along those lines.
It can when you are low and are trying to get it up Tom.
MAG doesn't get used up that fast, Salifert MAG test failed on me big time too so I wouldn't add anymore until you can confirm the reading with another test kit.