got ethical husbandry?

Well hello Bay Area!

My name is Mike and I have been keeping reef tanks since 2007. I have had great success as well as huge disappointments while enjoying this hobby. I currently do not have my own tank but I am going to be setting up a fusion micro 40 here in October.

What I do have is some of my long living inhabitants that currently reside in my mothers Red Sea Max 60L. One of which is my 8 year old sea cucumber... Another is a RBT that has been around since then as well, although I have no idea if I have the original still there are about 18 of them in there right now....

Anyways I plan on sharing my tank build and looking to you all here for emotional support as well as hopefully purchasing some great specimens and sharing mine!

I was part of sdreefs for a while so I am familiar with the reef community. All helpful and friendly people. I am glad to finally be a part of another forum! Hope to meet some of you and your fantastic tanks soon.
Welcome Mike to you will find we have a wealth of knowledgeable members and some excellent Vendors that support us....

I too have had RBTA's that is over 15 yrs old and have had numerous offspring that I given, sold and still have in my
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