
What are my clowns doing

Woke up this morning saw my clowns just going in circles nose to tail at first I thought they were firing so I gave them some brine shrimp and they sprinted to them was wondering if anyone could tell me what's going on


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They look young in a tank with no rocks/structures for them to hide in. They also look new.

Probably hanging out next to each other for safety.

Very cute though!
They are called clown fish for a reason! :)

Have you thought of giving them some structures to play/hide among? Two inch PVC elbows and tees are cheap and easy to clean.
Do your clowns sleep on the sand? Mine literally goes to a back corner of the tank and keels over on his side to snooze. I am a newbie to saltwater and I thought he was dying. But he does it night after night and is poping around in the morning and the rest of the day (and eating). More character than I expected :).
Well the pics are tiny an we know nothing abou the poster his tank or his fish, so yeah, just a wild guess on my part. Doesn't look like he has even come back on to look at his responses, so who cares