
What did you do to your tank today?

Fed all 3 tanks. Hacked back the GSP a few inches. Moved clown babies from 5 gal to 30. Cleaned out the 5.
Changed 20 gallons in the 215. cleaned a bunch of algae from the overflows of the 215. Moved some coral from the 30 to the 215. Went to the Giants game with the Family.:)
Refilled Alk. Killed more Majanos. Replaced carbon.
Cleaned skimmer. Cleaned scrubber. Swapped out powerhead for cleaning.
Siphoned some Cynao off the sand.
The hard part though: scraping Coraline.
Added some new inverts. Had a few die off in the early stages of the tank. They are happily plucking the algae from around quite a few of my plugs. Tonight, Purigen and carbon change.
Worked on my water levels for better surface skimming, small water change, filter floss change and cleaned out the back chambers and pump.

Also worked on my milli frag that just refuses to stay in its place on the LR. So, back on a plug it goes! Also cleaned the glass really well and turkey basted the live rocks during the water change.
Water change, Filter Floss and added a new ATO to my Reefkeeper Lite :D

Also, added a new 2 head frag of Rainbow Acan as part of the NVR grow out contest.
Replaced my reefbreeders LED with a Kessil A150W and also added a new Reefkeeper Lite
Thoughts on the light change? I currently have a Kessil A150W and considering upgrading to a 350 or a ReefBreeders Value Series (D120). From what I can gather spec wise the ReefBreeder is about as powerful as a 350?
Thoughts on the light change? I currently have a Kessil A150W and considering upgrading to a 350 or a ReefBreeders Value Series (D120). From what I can gather spec wise the ReefBreeder is about as powerful as a 350?

Can't speak to the ReefBreeders..........there seems to be a lot of great lighting coming out. I can however speak to the Kessil A350's..........I have 6 (actually 7 now) over my 300 and frag tank. Couldn't be happier. corals respond very well to them.
Thoughts on the light change? I currently have a Kessil A150W and considering upgrading to a 350 or a ReefBreeders Value Series (D120). From what I can gather spec wise the ReefBreeder is about as powerful as a 350?

The corals are responding and growing MUCH better under my new Kessil than my Reefbreeders LED.

Kessils have some real technology behind them. As well as great coloring.

Reefbreeders are just the Chinese imports with a different tag on them.

I would also like to state that Kessil has top tier customer service and they are located in the Bay Area. My PAR38 was way too purple for me. I can't speak to their dimmable fixtures though. Hope that helps a bit.

Can't speak to the ReefBreeders.

That PAR38 I gave you is a reefbreeder. ;)
Thanks for the input guys. I've read good things about the value series reef breeder (dimmable) with great par numbers (esp for the price).

I'm thinking I'll just go with a 350/360 for my DT. May give the reefbreeders dimmable value series (or just the chinese ones as they are about $50 cheaper on ebay) a shot on my frag tank while I get a bit more money.
Be careful of budget LED lighting!

There are three main problems with cheap china LEDs.
1) Lumens per watt can be very different.
2) Spectrum can be way off.
3) Forward voltage can vary a lot.

It has to do with cheaper process, and less testing and sorting.
Run the diodes through fast, and sell whatever comes out, so to speak.
One LED might be great, and the one next to it might be junk.

Even for efficient LEDs, the lumens per watt issue will add up, with long term electricity costs
slowly eating up that initial cost savings.

The spectrum is supposedly an issue if you want violet leds.
But otherwise not really a huge one unless it ends up pushing a lot of red in the whites.

The forward voltage can be a huge problem, or a total non-issue, depending on fixture.
If they run LED strands in parallel ( common to save money ), the voltage difference can mean a big current
difference, which has a positive feedback loop due to temperature.
That can fry your lighting pretty quick.
And don't expect budget lighting to have current mirroring circuits.