Neptune Aquatics

What do you think....?


Supporting Member
Hey all,

So, Denzil and I ran into a bit of an issue regarding price with this whole tank pick up. Not the tank specifically, but the rock. On the guy's post, he put that he had 300+ lbs of rock, but in a text, he told me he had 400+ lbs of rock. Well, we weighed it tonight, in the bins and all (just out of curiosiy) and it came out to 274.2 lbs. He told me that he'd sell it for $.50/lb just because he wanted it out of there. So we brought the $550, in addition to the $150 deposit.

I texted him and asked him since we gave him $150, when at .$50 a lb the price came out to $137.10, if he didn't mind calling it even. He said that we should do what we feel was right, but don't forget that he helped us save money for not having to hire anyone since he called his father in law to help us load the tank (we were going to put it on taskrabbit for $20 + a meal, but the website was having issues). He also mentioned that he couldn't do anything about it since he let us go without giving him the additional $50, as we would take care of it later.

What would you do? I feel that he may have exaggerated a bit in his texts to me because he knew I couldn't see the post (had no idea that Denzil could). I feel as if we should only pay for the rock we got, as we got 130 lbs less than what we were expecting, but I don't want to be labled as a "cheat" either. Any thoughts?
Wouldn't be happy about it but I run by the way of if you see it and pay, then it's a done deal. Live rock by weight is pretty ambiguous if it's not weighed right in front of you.

Sounds like you owe him $50...
And he 'shorted' you 130lbs or $65.

Ehh, I'm having a little trouble seeing the issue. If anything, the guy could be throwing a fit that you owe him $50. If taking any action, what are you suggesting? That he refund you $15?

Send me a link to a picture of what was being sold. I'm curious as to what you picked up for $700.
No, it was base rock. Not LR. We gave him $150 already, and assumed, because he told us it was 400+ lbs, that we owed him $50 more. But when we weighed it, we only got 247.2 lbs of base rock. Since we already gave him the $150, and overpaid by ~$13, we asked if we could call it even, since we didn't have the 400+ lbs of rock we thought we did.
patchin said:
I think things are pretty even, if he's ok with not getting the $50.

That's what Denzil and I were hoping too, but he got kind of upset, and that's when he said "well I did call my father in law to help you load the tank." (We didnt' ask him, he volunteered to do so, we were just planning on giving someone $20 to come with us from task rabbit LoL, but he told us "don't pay for help!! I'll call my father in law!)
In my eyes, it wasn't advertised properly and if we were really to pay the agreed upon $.50/lb (via text), we technically overpaid so I don't really see where the discrepancy is, even if we said we'd pay the remaining $50 on the assumption/agreement that it was actually in fact 400 pounds as advertised via text or 300+ pounds per his thread.

Either way, as far as I'm concerned, it's a done deal.
I don't know about you all, but even when I had 10 tanks at home and ran a 5k gallon facility, I knew exactly how much rock was in every tank. Call it even. The $13 covers the FIL.
Ultimately I would say the judgement call is based on whether you are satisfied with the amount of base rock you received for $150, and on the other side of the equation, whether you would be disappointed if you had paid $200.

However, it seems to me that the seller expected to receive more compensation and was not expecting to have the rock weighed. Perhaps a little seller's remorse for blowing everything out at too small of a fraction of the original investment? If that is the case then it has nothing to do with you.