
What is it - Friend or Foe?

I found this critter in my main display. :confused:
It has a 1/2 shell, and soft snail like body- doesn't appear to quite look like an acro eating snail, but today I found it making it's way up the display. Pretty sure its not a Welk or Abalone?. I took it out of display until I can ID it....

Here is a link to my photobucket video - skip to 36 sec mark for best view:
Friend Or Foe Pest Found Video by ReefKeeper | Photobucket

Thank you :0)

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Is his fleshy part white or black? If white, sounds like a stomatella and they're awesome little buggers :D
Awesome. I've seen it cruising around on and off for years. It must be getting old cause I was able to catch it so I could make the ID. Thank you. I put it back in the display:)