Tropic Marin Pro and Fauna Marin Pro are probably the best salts on the market. Despite Tropic Marin’s quality control disaster a few years ago in one of their facilities, both provide probably the highest quality in production and the most complete and balanced set of traces if you are serious about what is in your water.
The combination of high quality and completeness of traces comes at a cost though - specifically Tropic Marin tends to be rather expensive unless you buy during the Thanksgiving sales. Fauna is slightly cheaper since they do not have the name recognition, but is still expensive compared to the other options mentioned - this is currently the cheapest I have seen (
Differences between the two are minuscule but mainly in the slightly higher alk value of Fauna Marin which is closer to what I like (8-8.5 range), and Tropic Marin has a rather low alk value since it is heavily targeted at folks who dose alk in addition to water changes.