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What's your favorite Dremel bit for fragging?


Supporting Member
Looking to purchase some more coral fragging bits for my Dremel and was interested to hear from y'all if you have any recommendations.

Honestly I just prefer to borrow one of the club's band saws. I never could get the cleanest cuts with a Dremel and having the water cooling/cleaning seems to give better results. Maybe others have more skill with it, but maybe having a clamp or something to hold the coral/rock would have worked better for me.
I used diamond cut off wheels like @JVU showed only the cheaper no named ones.

I've never tried to cut anything fleshy like acan or favia I would be too nervous to try those. So far I've only done hammers, frogspawn, sps, and to make clean cuts to the rock/ plugs zoas are on for fraging (I don't use it to actually cut the zoa polyps).
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I have used the diamond cutting wheels @JVU reimmended for some very simple applications. I recommend borrowing the r club's band saw. So much more control.
Thanks, I grabbed some of those @JVU.

Band saws are great but far away from Livermore. Borrowing equipment most often requires picking up and delivering. I use the Dremel for fragging euphyllia mostly. I should have mentioned that.
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Would you all Dremel through flesh? I've never done so and would be worried if it'd tear everything.

Has anyone used a mounted Dremel holder or do you all just freehand?
Would you all Dremel through flesh? I've never done so and would be worried if it'd tear everything.

Has anyone used a mounted Dremel holder or do you all just freehand?
I don’t Dremel through flesh, I cut the flesh with snips or a blade, and Dremel through the skeleton.

I have a Dremel holder stand that works fine, but it’s more to set up and clean up so I don’t always use it. I have the following Dremel brand stand and drill press, but anything that can hold it horizontally would work.
