Cali Kid Corals

Which hosting, fiicker etc do you like?

tuberider said:
FB, no problems yet, I'm no photo guy though, I just steal crap off the internets and post up bad picture jokes....


Soooo cute! you guys kinda have the same expression...
Do you want that GSP or not dude!
Check out Smugmug ( and Zenfolio ( if you're a perfectionist. They're both awesome services with piles of features, and your photos won't get smooshed down to the point where they look like they're made out of legos, like with some of the free services.

+1 for Gallery2 if you've got a place to host it, the lightroom->gallery2 export plugin works great, and you don't have to worry about any sort of rights management issues... another example:
Anyone decipher Shutterfly's UA? Not sure how the rights go with that. And Richard- I did the same and am hosting my own Gallery2. Love the customizeability.