High Tide Aquatics

White Lightning Sponge

The main problem with these corals are that the parazoathus usually grow faster than the sponge. The sponge thus eventually dies and because the zoanthids can't survive without their host die too. There are some success stories with a lot of phyto dosing but they are few and far in between. :( On top off that it is very sensitive.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting the abstract. I look forward to the follow up.

The patterns of specificity among sponges and zoanthids suggest that many of these associations are not likely to be parasitic

Even if they are not parasitic the mass of the zoa may, in time, impede current/food access/circulation to the interior of the sponge. If not by directly growing over the pores on the surface, then by clogging internal water circulation paths with tissue/hold fasts/roots. Not saying this is the case....(I'm just thinking out loud :) )

I've unsuccessfully tried another difficult sponge; Tiger tunicate (sp?) which is a beautiful one but it requires heavy feeding- phytofeast/ rotifers, etc. I'll bet this sponge has similar feeding requirements where you need to feed heavy- heavier than the typical reef tank. If you dose heavy RN product maybe it can live but it probably takes a lot more feeding than reefers are willing to do. Maybe someone who knows more about these sponges can chime in as to what it takes for them to live.
CookieJar said:
I've unsuccessfully tried another difficult sponge; Tiger tunicate (sp?) which is a beautiful one but it requires heavy feeding- phytofeast/ rotifers, etc. I'll bet this sponge has similar feeding requirements where you need to feed heavy- heavier than the typical reef tank. If you dose heavy RN product maybe it can live but it probably takes a lot more feeding than reefers are willing to do. Maybe someone who knows more about these sponges can chime in as to what it takes for them to live.
The tank is fed heavily with Shellfish Diet, OysterFeast, Rotifeast, FM foods, and some other products I can't remember on the top off my head.