High Tide Aquatics

Who Sells Bulk Sand?


Supporting Member
Any East Bay shops that you think sell open stock sand that you can buy any amount of or very small bags? Looking for some pink sand.
Maybe like a baggie or two. Couple pounds? I have no idea how much sand costs. Not super important b/c it's not for a tank. Doing a sand lab for the first time in marine science class that I think will be super cool and now that I have a dozen or so sands it seems like pink would be awesome. Will keep my eyes open through the spring for more samples for next semester. Seen sand around? A long time ago All About Fish sold some sand by the pound.
I think it usually comes in a minimum 10 gallon bag. I'd be happy to have Jess order a ten # bag of pink for you and I'll pay for it for the school. Let me know if you'd like me to call and have him order one. You'd just have to pick up at Diablo.
#3 seems to be favored by everyone...including the fishy...lol

I hope everyone rinse their sand before use. The excess residual can cause compaction over time if not rinsed properly.
@Bruce Spiegelman Thank you for your generous offer. I found a small container of pink sand from a teacher and I did not realize you only need a tiny amount of sand to do the lab. I thought I needed a lot more.