Neptune Aquatics

Will everything die?!?!?


I little dramatic on the title there. I'm taking my first vacation since setting up my tanks. I'm leaving tomorrow morning (Saturday) and I'm coming back Tuesday. I'm doing a water change now and making sure the ato is topped off. If I feed my fish and leave a fat piece of nori in the tank tomorrow morning is should be fine until Tuesday, right?
I have apex and someone to come over incase of catastrophic failure but other than that do I really need to feed them for two days?
I little dramatic on the title there. I'm taking my first vacation since setting up my tanks. I'm leaving tomorrow morning (Saturday) and I'm coming back Tuesday. I'm doing a water change now and making sure the ato is topped off. If I feed my fish and leave a fat piece of nori in the tank tomorrow morning is should be fine until Tuesday, right?

you’ll be fine not to feed them for a couple days. One thing I would recommend though is maybe get an auto feeder to feed once a day on a normal basis, that way when you do leave, you’ll know you have a working device since you’ll be seeing it run everyday. I’d also avoid doing a water change the night before of the day you go just in case something happens or you forget to turn something back on.
you’ll be fine not to feed them for a couple days. One thing I would recommend though is maybe get an auto feeder to feed once a day on a normal basis, that way when you do leave, you’ll know you have a working device since you’ll be seeing it run everyday. I’d also avoid doing a water change the night before of the day you go just in case something happens or you forget to turn something back on.
Good advice! Yea don’t change a thing for a few days before you leave. If you tinker with your lights they could get stuck in manual-on mode for example. If you do a water change you might forget to turn your ATo or heater off etc...
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In my 15 gallon tank, I feed my fis
I have apex and someone to come over incase of catastrophic failure but other than that do I really need to feed them for two days?
Your fish will be fine. The fish in my 15 gallon gets fed every 3/4 days and the smallest clownfish in my main tank might not eat for an entire week.
I’m routinely gone for 6-9 days at a time and the tank hold out just fine. I do have an apex auto feeder though and that makes a big difference for me.
Auto feeder and auto top off.. I regularly don't touch my tank between water changes.

I have a rsm 250 that has a full lid. Normally I have the front portion removed. But if I'm going to be gone for over a week I put it on to help with evap and extend my ato longer.
What pellets do you all use for your auto feeders? The PE ones seem to work ok, but a lot end up not getting eaten.
Recently got a sample of ocean nutrition pellets and they sink too quickly.
I use flake.

But yes -- you need a feeding ring of some sort. I have the eheim feeding station.

@xCry0x I might try flake too, this is exclusively what I feed my fish besides frozen food. I’m having trouble finding flake food since pellets have become more popular.
Just worried in a fish feeder situation they will absorb moisture and jam up the feeder, has that ever happened to you?
@xCry0x I might try flake too, this is exclusively what I feed my fish besides frozen food. I’m having trouble finding flake food since pellets have become more popular.
Just worried in a fish feeder situation they will absorb moisture and jam up the feeder, has that ever happened to you?
Nope. Iv been using this setup for 8 years. Only time I have had issues is when I knocked the thing into the tank :p . They aren't particularly water proof.

I used pellets early on but really I don't think pellets with well with the auto feeder. They tend to sink quickly. Flake stays in the water column a lot better.

I use Omega 1 marine flakes. This isn't something I have researched heavily, it's just what I have found at the store easily.

I use flake on the feeder fed 3x a day. When I'm being attentive I'll also do some mysis fed manually.

The auto feeder ensures that no matter how busy my day is, the fish get fed.