Cali Kid Corals

Ye old 50 gallon mixed reef


Supporting Member
Well; here is my current setup as of last week; humming along, really enjoying it, been up for about 1.5 years. Plan on moving the reef over to a bigger tank in the next month or two as things are growing into each other and I would like to add a few big fish. Thought it would be good to document it before the transfer. Here's the gear:

Rimless 36x18x18 tank with Eshopps Eclipse overflow and ADA style stand
2 Radion XR15 Gen 4's
Custom sump modeled after a Trigger 26
awesome return pump and (2) MP 10's
dosing 2 part, feed a cube a day
small refugium w/ chateo and caulerpa serrulata
rock and sand, heater, other stuff..

Hope you enjoy.

In the beginning.. July 2018

about a week or two ago.
FTS 07.2019.jpg
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Looks nice, but I know what you mean about things growing together. What will the new digs be? Picture of the existing filtration for the record?
Looks nice, but I know what you mean about things growing together. What will the new digs be? Picture of the existing filtration for the record?

Indeed but I reckon its a good problem?

Excellent point about the filtration! Here is ye old sump and 7 gallon ato that I fabricated with some materials from Tap Plastics and a router, and the refugium. Forgot to mention the Eshopps X-120 skimmer and Jeabo 3 head doser in there as well. New digs are a RS 425XL that I picked up for a pretty decent price; other then the tank and adding an MP40 going to try and keep all the gear the same.


Thought I would post what the reef looked like when transferred to a 425xl. I just recently downsized it back to the original 48 gallon (36x18x18) but am all ready getting the bug for a deep cube type tank...


Looking good! You should consider becoming a supporting member, I just sold a 30x30x24 90 gal cube for $200 to another member on the supporting members buy/sell/trade forum. And there’s so many other benefits that outweighs the yearly cost.
It looks like your clowns are hosting a toadstool at the front, or is that a carpet nem?