This is 2 days after I scrubbed & siphoned all of it, so by end of week expect to see bit over double the brown stuff…Also, do you have some closeup pictures of the Dino?
So others know what to look out for.
Also to double check that it is what you think it is.
Just reporting that I'm half way through my FaunaMarin AlgaeX treatment.
So far, GHA & Bryopsys are completely cleared... Dino growth has stalled and existing traces are melting/breaking down. No stress on fish or coral so far. Will report back in 2 weeks...
Found a local hobbyist selling a half-used bottleWhere did you find it for sale?
Found a local hobbyist selling a half-used bottleI wish I got more to stock up! Its got some of the best reviews in dealing with any algae problems including Dino...
Its a gem I got straight from Cornbred Corals, called Soul Glows...Sweet Paly!! where'd you get it? Paly's grow like wildfire in my tank, unfortunately i don't really want the ones I have right now.
Thx. Next time I'll get extra foam pad to keep carbon at the base and Phoshuard slightly tumbling over that...With carbon in there you do NOT want it to tumble.
Ah, how did I miss that... so what I got going is perfectThe directions on the phosguard clearly state to make sure that it does NOT tumble. If the phosguard tumbles, you'll end up with a white powder in your tank.