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Reef Hobbyist 40B

Also, do you have some closeup pictures of the Dino?
So others know what to look out for.
Also to double check that it is what you think it is.
This is 2 days after I scrubbed & siphoned all of it, so by end of week expect to see bit over double the brown stuff…



Bit more closer shot…


I had to get my first doser replaced cos the dosing liquid siphoned back into the containers (3 bad heads). FragFreaks did a good job with the return and new unit came in 2 weeks.


Doser was calibrated & tested (with RO water) for 3 days. I left the Cal & Mag tubes to just drop into the first chamber while pointed the Alk tube into my Skimmer outlet so it mixes well.


It has been dosing actual Alk, Cal & Mag for a week now and I'm happy so far...
Just reporting that I'm half way through my FaunaMarin AlgaeX treatment.


So far, GHA & Bryopsys are completely cleared... Dino growth has stalled and existing traces are melting/breaking down. No stress on fish or coral so far. Will report back in 2 weeks...
Just reporting that I'm half way through my FaunaMarin AlgaeX treatment.


So far, GHA & Bryopsys are completely cleared... Dino growth has stalled and existing traces are melting/breaking down. No stress on fish or coral so far. Will report back in 2 weeks...

Where did you find it for sale?
Found a local hobbyist selling a half-used bottle :) I wish I got more to stock up! Its got some of the best reviews in dealing with any algae problems including Dino...

Ah. I was told that it was banned from sale in the US because of one of the ingredients, which is why it is impossible to find. I was wondering how you managed to get your hands on it.
Completed a 24 day AlgaeX treatment followed by 2 major water changes yesterday & the day before (35% each day). Running Carbon (Matrix & ROX) aggressively, Chemipure Elite, some Phosguard & Purigen. Strated the ATS but might take a week to see some new growth.

Alk 10, Cal 450, Mag 1450, Ph 8.2, Nitrates 5ppm.

So far, looks like AlgaeX did its magic... I don't see traces of anything (GHA, Dino, Bryop) but I'm going to wait for a few weeks and confirm.

For now enjoy this hot paly.

After months of debating, finally setup the Phosban Reactor. Started with a mix of Seachem Matrix Carbon, Phosguard & a bag of Purigen. Hooked it to a 180gph pump... I'm not sure if I should let it tumble or not (for now added sponge above & running water full speed).

The directions on the phosguard clearly state to make sure that it does NOT tumble. If the phosguard tumbles, you'll end up with a white powder in your tank.