got ethical husbandry?

Will's 50 gallon budget build.

Hi all,

I'm relatively new member and have already learn a lot from BAR. I was introduced to BAR by someone who used to be or maybe still is a member, but is taking a break from the hobby. I bought a used sump tank from him and he also helped modify the used 50 gal. plexiglass tank that my young adult kids bought for me. I believe Matt is his name. The tank had pre drilled holes for intake and return. He increased the intake from 1/2" to 1" hole then glued a skimmer box.

I've mainly maintained fresh water tanks in my young adult life. Mostly Cichlids along with some of the rare and beautiful catfish from these lakes. I got to a point where I was breeding Brichardi and selling them to fund my hobby. I kind of slowed down as the kids grew older. I've been in the Tech. industry for ~26 yrs. Have been commuting from Hollister to San Jose for approx. 24 yrs. May 2020 I was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. Since then I've been on permanent disability. After busy for so many years it was hard getting used to being at home all day especially with covid. Wifey was thrilled for me to be home. I was too until she had to do the many household duties. I was got bored fast.

So Christmas 2020 my young adult children bought me a used 50 gal. plexiglass aquarium. I figured, cool now I have for all the time to pay attention to the live stock I buy. I've always mentioned to my family that I have never started a salt water tank nor had the time for it. Not to mention the $$$ for this kind of set up. From Dec. to early Feb. 20201 I've been looking online and asking LFS about what's needed to get started. So many different opinions and options. If I could, I should have waited a bit longer and spend more on better lighting. Oh well.

My setup. Not as elaborate as some of the setups I've seen or heard about, but so far it's works.


Will add cycle info later


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Cycle start date 02/22/2021 - 03/05/2021


I had add more salt to increase the Salinity and alkalinity after having a LFS test my water. I also found out that I hadn't calibrated the Hanna salinity tester properly. Retested.

Adding occupants after cycle period from 3/18/21 - 4/1/21.

1. CUC - 6 Asterea snails, 10 Nassarius snails, 2 Mexican Turbo snails, 4 Trochus snails
2. Invertebrates - 2 Cleaner shrimp and 2 Peppermint shrimp. Flame shrimp DOA.
3. Softies and one LPS - 3 frag with mixed Zoas (Bam Bam/something?, Eagle Eye/ Radio Active Eagle Eye), 1 Toxic Times Favia?, Green tip toadstool, and an Alveopora
4. Fish - 1 Court Jester Goby and 1 Yellow Watchman Goby


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Hi all,

I'm relatively new member and have already learn a lot from BAR. I was introduced to BAR by someone who used to be or maybe still is a member, but is taking a break from the hobby. I bought a used sump tank from him and he also helped modify the used 50 gal. plexiglass tank that my young adult kids bought for me. I believe Matt is his name. The tank had pre drilled holes for intake and return. He increased the intake from 1/2" to 1" hole then glued a skimmer box.

I've mainly maintained fresh water tanks in my young adult life. Mostly Cichlids along with some of the rare and beautiful catfish from these lakes. I got to a point where I was breeding Brichardi and selling them to fund my hobby. I kind of slowed down as the kids grew older. I've been in the Tech. industry for ~26 yrs. Have been commuting from Hollister to San Jose for approx. 24 yrs. May 2020 I was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. Since then I've been on permanent disability. After busy for so many years it was hard getting used to being at home all day especially with covid. Wifey was thrilled for me to be home. I was too until she had to do the many household duties. I was got bored fast.

So Christmas 2020 my young adult children bought me a used 50 gal. plexiglass aquarium. I figured, cool now I have for all the time to pay attention to the live stock I buy. I've always mentioned to my family that I have never started a salt water tank nor had the time for it. Not to mention the $$$ for this kind of set up. From Dec. to early Feb. 20201 I've been looking online and asking LFS about what's needed to get started. So many different opinions and options. If I could, I should have waited a bit longer and spend more on better lighting. Oh well.

My setup. Not as elaborate as some of the setups I've seen or heard about, but so far it's works.

View attachment 25159

Will add cycle info later
I forgot to thank @Srt4eric for the dry rocks.
Tank update.

New additions:
1. 1 Extreme Picasso and 1 Extreme snowflake clownfish.
2. 1 Green Mandarin Goby
3. 2 mushroom
4. 2 misc. SPS corals and several zoa frags


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Sorry to be a barer of bad news but I'm afraid your tank is too young at this point for a mandarin, esp in light of you also having a jester goby which also will eat pods.

To ensure success of your manadarin, I suggest that you build a pod hotel... load it twice in the first month, and maybe an additional reload once the month following... monitor to see how plump or not the mandarin will be and reload pods as need (but only at night... and with a funnel straight into the pod hotel).

Here's a cheap DIY pod hotel I decribed that I've used to keep a mandarin in a 13.5G tank. It should work fine for your 50G as well.
Sorry to be a barer of bad news but I'm afraid your tank is too young at this point for a mandarin, esp in light of you also having a jester goby which also will eat pods.

To ensure success of your manadarin, I suggest that you build a pod hotel... load it twice in the first month, and maybe an additional reload once the month following... monitor to see how plump or not the mandarin will be and reload pods as need (but only at night... and with a funnel straight into the pod hotel).

Here's a cheap DIY pod hotel I decribed that I've used to keep a mandarin in a 13.5G tank. It should work fine for your 50G as well.
That's the only reason I bought the Mandarin. I have a bunch of copepods in my tank. Thanks for the info on the DIY hotel. Mando can start swingin again.
You will be amazed how fast that mandarin will take down your pod population. Before I got my mandarin I could barely see through the glass of my biocube. Now I supplement every two weeks.
Tank Update.

Added Mushrooms:
Orange Yuma and Red discoma with blue dots (Superman?) on one frag
Golden Gonzo
2 Gonzo
Neon Rhodactis
Green/Yellow Yuma


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Journal update.

I replaced my Current Orbit lighting with 2 used AI Prime HD lights. The corals look much better. Took some time to adjust to a setting the corals accept.


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If you still have the Current orbit strip only, I would recommend getting a Reef Brite Pro actinic strip to get better color pop. Your corals will look as nice as display tanks in local reef shops.
If you still have the Current orbit strip only, I would recommend getting a Reef Brite Pro actinic strip to get better color pop. Your corals will look as nice as display tanks in local reef shops.
I actually bought 2 used AI Prime HD's and that made a difference. Now I just need to understand how to set the lights as well as my phone camera setting to take better pics.
Thanks for your suggestion. I may look into that.